Sunday, April 21, 2013

Vedika - Day 401

Vidhi baby has a new craze these days. She is becoming attuned to animals around her — not counting her family.

She has developed uncanny ability to notice and call out to animals: when she is travelling in car, playing in park, standing in balcony, or even when she is inside house but hears a barking, tweeting, or mooing. Her favourites are pigeons, dog, and cows in that order. Influence of Mariaama has ensured that she associates Kannada word "ba" with "come to me" and starts stretching her arms and calling out series of "ba". She is absolutely adorable when she does this. And her eyes are sharp in picking out a lone flying pigeon far away on fourth floor even when you are left wondering how can she notice that. It's mild amusement and pity to see her face when her calls are unheeded and dog and pigeon don't come near her. Sometimes she would "ba" to an ant, housefly or a piece of lint too! Her imitation of animal sound is limited to "maa..." for all kinds of animals.

Book Review - Music of the Primes by Marcus du Sautoy (2003)

I can say, with some modesty, that I am familiar with the subject of mathematics more than an average person is. Despite that I hadn’t ever ...