I agree wholeheartedly. I do not have much to say expect that I hereby register my complete unconditional agreement over idea of not giving prestigious Olympic torch to film and other celebrities. By the way, I wonder if Olympics still represent those values that it stood for in this commercialized world? It is not unnoticed that sports are badly supported profession in India while near all except Cricket players playing for virtually no money. What they desire is but respect. But then, this is also snatched away, for how many of us are aware of even their names? Nevertheless I know however bad and disheartened they feel, they will continue to shed their sweat and blood for India. After all one didn't start this for the money in the first place. I once read, "Never doubt that a bunch of dedicated men and women can change the world. Indeed that's the way it ever has been." Amen.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Olympic torch rally
I agree wholeheartedly. I do not have much to say expect that I hereby register my complete unconditional agreement over idea of not giving prestigious Olympic torch to film and other celebrities. By the way, I wonder if Olympics still represent those values that it stood for in this commercialized world? It is not unnoticed that sports are badly supported profession in India while near all except Cricket players playing for virtually no money. What they desire is but respect. But then, this is also snatched away, for how many of us are aware of even their names? Nevertheless I know however bad and disheartened they feel, they will continue to shed their sweat and blood for India. After all one didn't start this for the money in the first place. I once read, "Never doubt that a bunch of dedicated men and women can change the world. Indeed that's the way it ever has been." Amen.
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