Saturday, March 19, 2005

Visa denial to Modi: Outrageous!

For those secular out there in India who think that denial of Visa to Narendra Modi by US Govt is an apt punishment, here is exact definition of "secularism" by current Indian standards, which unfortunately is not implied by our Constitution, but perhaps suits you:

"For 'secular' India, secularism is not divorced between the State and the religion. For them secularism is exclusively for the benefit of the minorities. Extend it, secularism means pampering the minorities. Go further, it includes being allergic to the majority. That, unless one explicitly appeases the minorities and is overtly allergic to Hindus, one is not 'secular' enough. In Indian politics, uniting a minority for votes is 'secular.' Consequently, uniting the majority is anti-'secular.' And organising the majority is fundamentalist. In contrast, protecting organised minority is a 'secular' duty. This is the high point of 'secular' India." (Full Story)

This unwarranted and unjustified act of US is insult to Indian sovereignity, and very obviously so, if one can rise above the petty personal/political issues and see. Mr. Narendra Modi has not been convicted by any court of Law in India. Irrespective of how much I hate him for his complicity in Gujarat riots, he is still head of the state of the free, fair and democratically elected government of the Union of India. Even if he is guilty, United States has no right to meddle into domestic matters of India. We, the people of India, can and will punish him. And for the record again, he is not proven guilty. I am not trying to play down the massacre in Gujarat, but to tell Indians, on our face, by an outside nation who has no business nosing in internal affairs of India, specially so when its own hands are dripping from blood, and expect us to listen? No way!

Indication of his support in riots are no more than the indications of Bush's war for no reason in Iraq. And this press conference by Modi pretty much sums up what I wanted to say. Rallies and protests that were planned in US in the cities where Narendra Modi was going, that lead to "reasoning" behind the denial, are no way compared to what happened during Republican National Convention in New York. Perhaps Mr. Bush should also be denied US citizenship (and, of course, Indian visa)? Why does US keeps reminding us again and again of its hypocritical policies? And, interestingly, some people claim that by doing so, United States have upheld the "deep commitment to human rights" once again. Human rights. Hmm, remember Abu Ghraib?

Central Govt.'s request for reconsideration of visa is sure a very positive and unexpected reaction. UPA Govt.'s nonpartisan stand on this issue must be lauded. People seems to think that Gujarat riots are only riots where interests of minority were hurt (in India), under "communal" regime of BJP. After all, Sikhs, which were killed in much larger number during Congress rule in Capital after murder of then prime minister Indira Gandhi, and riots of Bombay after bomb blasts in early nineties wouldn't count, as "secular" Congress was in power. One fact that everyone chose to overlook is that one-third of those killed during Gujarat riots were Hindus, apart from the live carnage that started it off in the first place.

And need I mention the Honb'le President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan where minorities are completely wiped out (There are many other examples of such noble religiously tolerant people which are welcomed on red-carpet by the US and, in few cases, made 'most favoured ally', read this)? But again, oh pardon me, I am communal for I am championing rights of Hindu minorities.

Update: (Mar 20) One more nice article
Update: (Mar 21) Final nail in the head!

If this article is to be believed than US has an egg on its face. It deliberately and blatantly LIED, irrespective of Modi was responsible or not for Gujarat riots. Some snippets follows:

"Just because American soldiers have murdered, raped and pillaged in My Lai, ... indulged in ghastly torture and denial of human dignity at Abu Ghreib; simply because CIA operatives have subverted democracy in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala ... only because US foreign policy has fathered monsters like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, the commander-in-chief of the US army, the president of the USA, cannot be held responsible."

"...casual application of a dubious American law...Section 212(a)(2)(G) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act...hides more than it reveals."

"Any alien who, while serving as a foreign government official, was responsible for or directly carried out, at any time during the preceding 24-month period, particularly severe violations of religious freedom, as defined..."

There are many more strong points in this interesting read! Must read if you think I am wrong.

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