- My review of brilliant general science book ‘Short History of Nearly Everything’
- Story of how my first journey from USA to India was interrupted by hail storm
- Review of documentary film ‘Spellbound’
- My travelogue to Niagara Falls and New York City
- Miscellaneous commentary on Indian polity during last general election
- Old news from across the border about why is ‘India Shining’
Few key posts from my Hindi blog that are recommended readings, written during 2006-07:
- Review of nice ergonomics’ book ‘Design of Everyday Things’
- Phenomenon where some animals pretend death to ward off predators
- Fascinating analysis of simple mathematical problems: Pirate of sea, Sultan’s dowry, and Fair cake cutting
- First experience of watching 4D film
- Why I don’t think that singling out brown faces on airport of checking is wrong (and similar cases)
- Reflections on the direction of progress, a question still unresolved till date
Of course, you are free to browse rest of the English and Hindi blogs.