This is this blog’s 101
st post, and the biggest number ever for
any blog that I’ve ever attempted writing. This post is here to freeze state of the blog as of today for future reference. In last 102 days since the
beginning — of which I was on holiday for 26 — I have written under 30 category heads with highest share, obviously, that of my opinion.

If is to be believed, then I seem to write most about “people”. Results seem suspect to me, though! has more comprehensive but less visually appealing word cloud. Though comparison is not fair due to time frame involved, my top 5 posts by page views have been:
- Mirror cracking material
- History and psychology of clapping
- Alcohol as legalized drug
- Adultery should be criminal offense
- Observation from loo
To salvage the your visit to this narcissist page, let me present to you few of the pictures that have me in split. Click to enlarge.